Holiday Season an Ideal Time for a Refresher on Proper Lifting

From digging out boxes of holiday decor and hauling packages to and from the home, to hiding gifts away on higher shelves at the back of your closet, the Holiday Season requires its fair share of bending, lifting and reaching. This, coupled with the cooler weather, makes December an ideal time for a refresher on […]

Keys to Avoiding an Exercise Hibernation This Winter

As the days shorten and the weather cools, heralding the approach of another winter, our physical therapy team offers a word of warning:  While hibernation may seem appealing this time of year, especially as we trudge through the current health crisis, it’s paramount we all continue to stay active with regular aerobic and strength training.  Regular exercise is good for us on countless levels. We all know […]

5 Ways to Feel Gratitude in the Face of Challenges

November is a month when gratitude takes its place in the spotlight of American culture. Yet, with the challenges our country has faced this year, a popular notion as we approach the final weeks of 2020 is “let’s just get this year over with.”  While she understands the sentiment, Peoria physical therapist Cindy Rankin would like to remind people that […]

The Critical Role of PT After COVID

We still have a lot to learn about the implications of COVID-19 and the long-term health effects of the virus. One of the main wellness goals of COVID-19 survivors involves getting back to daily life. This process is a journey, during which physical therapy plays a significant role. Whether a patient requires bed rest, hospitalization, […]

See Your PT Annually for Injury Prevention, Early Intervention

We all know that visiting your physician for an annual physical is important for maintaining long-term health. Similarly, dental exams twice each year help ensure oral health throughout a lifetime.  Did you know that annual physical therapy check-ups provide the third critical (and often overlooked) component of long-term health and preventative care for people of […]

Help a Loved One Live a More Active, Healthful Life

We typically wish for those we love to live their best, most healthful lives. That’s why it can be both frustrating and worrisome when a loved one slips onto a more sedentary lifestyle track – one that could be harmful to their long-term well-being. You want to help them recommit to exercise and fitness, but […]

Debunking Common Fall Prevention Myths

Every September during National Falls Prevention Week, physical therapists join other medical professions across the country in reminding Americans that falls are not just common among older Americans. They’re often debilitating, costly and even deadly.  They’re also largely preventable, says Peoria physical therapist Cindy Rankin.  “Falls present a real public health problem among older adults, but so often they’re […]

At-Home Learning: Don’t Overlook Physical Activity!

As the school year gains momentum during the COVID crisis, more kids and families adjust to various levels of at-home learning. Parents and instructors should not overlook what should be a standard facet of all children’s curriculum: physical activity. Kids need to be given time to move around. Studies show regular exercise can have a […]

Our Knees: ‘Canaries in the Coal Mine’ of Movement & Exercise Issues

Despite being the largest and perhaps most complicated joints in our bodies, our knees are naturally docile. They’re easily influenced by what’s going on above and below them, in other words, not making many decisions on their own. That’s why when one experiences knee pain, the true causes of the joint’s wear and tear can […]

Prevent Injury When Returning to Activity

After nearly six months of home quarantines, social distancing, gym closures, and cancelled/postponed athletic seasons, it’s been difficult for many to maintain consistent workout routines.  But, as more people begin settling into “new normals” related to work, parenting, masking and so on, personal health is once again taking a greater role in people’s lives. While this should be […]